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Vegetables and vegetables grown in an environmentally friendly way, to provide healthy and fresh foods that bring traditional flavors, both from our Mediterranean cuisine, as well as the exotic aromas and flavors of ancient oriental cuisine.
Heung moll
€3.00/Kg.Heung moll (citronella), a herbaceous plant with a mild lemon aroma essential in many dishes of Asian cuisine
Po choi
€4.00/Kg.Po choi (Chinese spinach), spinach with a mild flavour and aroma, is cooked like any common spinach, although it is especially suitable for use in vegetable stir-fries.
Da bai cai
€1.50/Kg.Da bai cai, (Chinese cabbage or Chinese cabbage) is a vegetable that gradually begins to spread to all continents, although it is a well-known and consumed crop in Asia. They can be consumed in various ways, both raw and cooked in soups or stews. They are an appreciable source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, they are a low calorie food and rich in fibre.
Tong kwa
€2.45/Kg.Tong kwa (winter melon), a vegetable of the pumpkin family that is used to make soup.
Chinese Eggplant
€5.00/Kg.Que zi (Chinese eggplant), a kind of very thin purple skinned eggplant that can be cooked without peeling, with a smooth and pleasant flavour.
Chang du
€4.00/Kg.Chang du (long bean), edible legume grown to consume its exceptionally long green pods, is a must in Chinese and Thai cuisine, it is characterized by being rich in proteins and vitamins.
See Kwa- Angled Luffa
€6.00/Kg.See kwa (loofah), a cylindrical green fruit with dark lines running longitudinally, consumed in Asian cuisine, characterized by being rich in fibre.
Fou kwa
€6.00/Kg.Fou kwa (bitter melon), an oblong fruit with a warty surface, similar to cucumber, although with a more bitter and intense flavour. It is uses in oriental and Indian cuisine.
Ong choi, (espinaca de agua)
€4.50/Kg.Ong choi (espinaca de agua), planta utilizada tradicionalmente en la cocina oriental, cuenta con un alto contenido en hierro y vitamina A. Puede consumirse en forma de sopa acompañando otras verduras.
Heung choi, (cilantro,...
€4.00/Kg.Heung choi (coriander), a plant similar in appearance to parsley, but with a completely different flavour and aroma. All parts of the plant are edible, but fresh leaves are generally used.
Wo Sun